Ultimate Guide to Oil Massage for Your Healthy Scalp

Ultimate-Guide-to-Oil-Massage -for-Your-Healthy -Scalp

Among the healthiest things you can do for your hair, a regular oiling regimen has to make it to the top-3. There’s a reason this ritual has been around for generations. It is an effective remedy for dandruff, hairfall, and itchy scalp. In fact, it is so important that most of our grandmas were very specific about the head massage oil they would use, and for a very good reason. You can not settle for just any oil, you need the best oil for head massage because the oil that you choose wouldn’t just impact your hair and your scalp, but also your headspace and overall wellbeing.

But, this simple self-care has to be done right to reap its complete benefits.There’s much nuance in a seemingly-easy and quick head oil massage.

Here’s a list of a few things you want to enhance your massage experience:

1. Get disciplined:

As is with every good thing, all good things take time. Head massage is something that can give you instant results but it’s not a one-time wonder. You would have to get more disciplined and regular with it. The practice of self-care requires deliberate effort and planning, but don’t worry, it’s not nearly as daunting as it sounds. You only have to set aside 15-20 minutes a day to fully soak in the benefits of a head massage. It could be after work, before you hit the bed. There has to be a consistent committed schedule for this self-care routine; a head massage twice a week is the optimal balance.

2. The type of oil:

The type of oil you choose will be critical to determining the efficiency of your massage-time. For starters, you want a head massage oil that is 100% natural, relies on herbs, and is paraben-free. Then, you want to understand you hair and scalp as well. What are some issues we are trying to solve? There’s a herb for everything.

If you want a dandruff-free scalp, go for an oil that has Neem. For hair fall and damage, choose something with Tulsi and Bhringraj extracts. The best oil for head massage is the oil that repairs damage and doesn’t cause it.

Navratna Ayurvedic Cool Oil combines Tulsi, Bhringraj, Neem, and more healing herbs to not just protect your headspace but also soothe your scalp.

3. Set your own temperature:

You might be used to heating your hair oil before the head massage, but, there is no one size fits all and some oils really should not be heated. Pretty much all mineral and vegetable oils aren’t suited for heat. That could be a fire hazard and excess heat may lead to the oil losing its nutrition too.

Another issue with heating is that heat treatment is not conducive for scalp and haircare. The heat may open pores and cause damage to your hair roots. If the purpose of your head massage is to unwind and cool down, you actually need the opposite of heat. So, contrary to heating oils, you need the best cooling hair oil. This is why, gives you a heat-free solution.

4. Gentle!

No tough love, please! Your hair strands are delicate and prone to breakage. The skin on your scalp is also not comfortable with intense friction caused by rigorous massaging often times. While we are at it, we apply too much pressure or try to rub the head massage oil into the scalp because it sounds like it would lead to deeper nourishment. This inadvertently causes more hairfall and even dandruff. The right way to go about this is with love and gentleness.

5. The oil period:

Last but certainly not the least, the duration we leave the oil on is key. Experts say leaving your oil on for too long does more harm than good. It can leave your scalp sticky and moist, good enough for pollutants and dust to settle in. That’s how scalp infections start. However, leaving your oil for too small a window would also not yield any gains. So, what is the optimal duration? You want to massage your scalp for 10-20 minutes and leave the oil, to absorb, for a minimum of 3 hours.

You should also not step outside after oiling to avoid exposure to the sun, dust, and pollution. The best oil for head massage is one that is nurturing and comfortable. It is a non-sticky, non-greasy light-weight formula. Sounds familiar?

It does to us! Because we, at Navratna, have prepared a non-greasy, non-clogging, easy-breezy cooling oil. Not only will it help you keep your mental chill, but the fully Ayurvedic formula makes the oil a gentle and nurturing choice for your hair and scalp.

So, don’t wait, just massage and feel great!