Author name: sup-admin


Benefits of Almond Oil in Cooling Hair Oil: Hydration and Relaxation

Ultimate Guide to Oil Massage for Your Healthy Scalp Hair care remains one of the most important things in wellness. One of the most important things in getting things done right is to find the right hair formulation with the right ingredients. Almond is one such option to consider due to its remarkable relaxation, strengthening, and hydrating benefits. Selecting the right ayurvedic cool hair oil makes a great difference in how well your routine turns out. Almond oil makes ayurvedic hair formulations more effective and is an excellent option for anyone who wants total hydration, headache, and stress relief. The significance of almond oil in Ayurveda The cooling, Moisturizing, and nourishing properties of almond oil make it recognized and used widely today. It is rich in vitamins A and E as well as antioxidants. As such, it serves as a natural solution for hair and scalp issues. Used in hair oil products, it acts as an elixir that handles inflammation and dryness. With the act of massage itself, the body and mind experience a highly calming effect. Its key benefits in hair care include: Deep scalp and hair hydration Being a natural moisturizer, almond penetrates deep into your scalp to not only nourish but also hydrate the hair follicles. Essentially, it helps handle dandruff and dryness in the process. These are the main issues that cause discomfort and itchiness. Massaging with an ayurvedic oil-containing almond is a good way of restoring moisture balance for a flake-free and healthy scalp. Cooling sensation You should consider blending almond oil with the right cooling herbs like vetiver, Bhringraj, and mint. This helps to enhance its capacity to cool the scalp effectively. Almond Ayurvedic cool hair oil is, therefore, a good choice for anyone who deals with stress-related discomfort. Stress relief and relaxation naturally Indulging in a gentle massage using almond-enriched oil is an ideal way of achieving deep relaxation while lowering mental fatigue. There are various preparations in the market that use almonds as a base ingredient to help boost the calming effects of other extracts. Using the oil regularly promotes better sleep by alleviating tension and other such issues. Soothing the nervous system and reducing headaches Head massage with hair oil infused with almonds can be an effective way of relieving migraines and tension headaches. The oil and the sheer act of massaging the scalp leads to better blood circulation, which contributes to relieving, stress-induced discomfort. Preventing breakage while strengthening hair Being rich in proteins and other nutrients, almond oil is an effective way of strengthening hair strands. It also reduces the incidence of hair fall and split ends. Regularly applying ayurvedic cool hair oil with almonds leads to healthier, shinier, and stronger hair. Upon application on the scalp using the right technique, almond assists with better circulation of blood, which assists with hair growth stimulation. It also has biotin, which is an important ingredient in supporting hair growth. As such, the oil is the best for natural hair care. It can also be mixed with ingredients like Brahmi, sandalwood, and peppermint to help with headaches and pain relief. Consider using the oil at least twice each week for long-lasting hydration, scalp health, and relaxation. Tap into the power of Ayurveda with almond oil It is clear that almond plays an important role in hair oil formulations. Navratna stress relief oil is one of the brands that utilize this oil for the best outcomes.  Such an option does more than relieve stress and headaches but also for hair health. This is the ultimate way of transforming a hair care routine into a holistic experience.


Ultimate Guide to Oil Massage for Your Healthy Scalp

Ultimate Guide to Oil Massage for Your Healthy Scalp Among the healthiest things you can do for your hair, a regular oiling regimen has to make it to the top-3. There’s a reason this ritual has been around for generations. It is an effective remedy for dandruff, hairfall, and itchy scalp. In fact, it is so important that most of our grandmas were very specific about the head massage oil they would use, and for a very good reason. You can not settle for just any oil, you need the best oil for head massage because the oil that you choose wouldn’t just impact your hair and your scalp, but also your headspace and overall wellbeing. But, this simple self-care has to be done right to reap its complete benefits.There’s much nuance in a seemingly-easy and quick head oil massage. Here’s a list of a few things you want to enhance your massage experience: 1. Get disciplined: As is with every good thing, all good things take time. Head massage is something that can give you instant results but it’s not a one-time wonder. You would have to get more disciplined and regular with it. The practice of self-care requires deliberate effort and planning, but don’t worry, it’s not nearly as daunting as it sounds. You only have to set aside 15-20 minutes a day to fully soak in the benefits of a head massage. It could be after work, before you hit the bed. There has to be a consistent committed schedule for this self-care routine; a head massage twice a week is the optimal balance. 2. The type of oil: The type of oil you choose will be critical to determining the efficiency of your massage-time. For starters, you want a head massage oil that is 100% natural, relies on herbs, and is paraben-free. Then, you want to understand you hair and scalp as well. What are some issues we are trying to solve? There’s a herb for everything. If you want a dandruff-free scalp, go for an oil that has Neem. For hair fall and damage, choose something with Tulsi and Bhringraj extracts. The best oil for head massage is the oil that repairs damage and doesn’t cause it. combines Tulsi, Bhringraj, Neem, and more healing herbs to not just protect your headspace but also soothe your scalp. 3. Set your own temperature: You might be used to heating your hair oil before the head massage, but, there is no one size fits all and some oils really should not be heated. Pretty much all mineral and vegetable oils aren’t suited for heat. That could be a fire hazard and excess heat may lead to the oil losing its nutrition too. Another issue with heating is that heat treatment is not conducive for scalp and haircare. The heat may open pores and cause damage to your hair roots. If the purpose of your head massage is to unwind and cool down, you actually need the opposite of heat. So, contrary to heating oils, you need the best cooling hair oil. This is why, gives you a heat-free solution. 4. Gentle! No tough love, please! Your hair strands are delicate and prone to breakage. The skin on your scalp is also not comfortable with intense friction caused by rigorous massaging often times. While we are at it, we apply too much pressure or try to rub the head massage oil into the scalp because it sounds like it would lead to deeper nourishment. This inadvertently causes more hairfall and even dandruff. The right way to go about this is with love and gentleness. 5. The oil period: Last but certainly not the least, the duration we leave the oil on is key. Experts say leaving your oil on for too long does more harm than good. It can leave your scalp sticky and moist, good enough for pollutants and dust to settle in. That’s how scalp infections start. However, leaving your oil for too small a window would also not yield any gains. So, what is the optimal duration? You want to massage your scalp for 10-20 minutes and leave the oil, to absorb, for a minimum of 3 hours. You should also not step outside after oiling to avoid exposure to the sun, dust, and pollution. The best oil for head massage is one that is nurturing and comfortable. It is a non-sticky, non-greasy light-weight formula. Sounds familiar? It does to us! Because we, at Navratna, have prepared a non-greasy, non-clogging, easy-breezy cooling oil. Not only will it help you keep your mental chill, but the fully Ayurvedic formula makes the oil a gentle and nurturing choice for your hair and scalp. So, don’t wait, just massage and feel great!

Why Choose an Ayurvedic Herbal Oil for a Massage

Wonderful Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Oil

Why Choose an Ayurvedic Herbal Oil for a Massage Ayurveda has been around for over 5,000 years. Although today we have new-age western treatment methods, Ayurveda’s charm remains unrivalled. And oils are fundamental to Ayurveda, be it an oil for pain relief or an Ayurvedic herbal hair oil. This ancient Indian science makes use of herbs and their oils extensively. In fact, what separates an Ayurvedic massage from its Western counterparts is the usage of herbal oils. Ayurveda has been very clear on this matter that the oil used for the massage does more than lubricate the skin. So, if after a long day at work, you want to settle in for a head massage, it’s good to choose an ayurvedic herbal oil. Here are some reasons why: Immediately cools you down: Modern lifestyle has got its own problems: Headache, Stress, Fatigue. A slow and gentle head massage can be a simple solution to destressing and ending the day on a calmer note. Research conducted on a group of working women showed that a 15 to 25-minute head massage leads to a reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone. When cortisol levels spike, your blood pressure and heart rate go up as well. Both of these are linked with faster aging and serious cardiovascular problems in the long run. So, you want to keep your stress levels down. How do we do that? Choose an ayurvedic herbal oil that can cool your head inside out. The  Navratna head massage oil combines the power of Bhringraj, Latakasturi, and Brahmi – 3 herbs known to provide instant cooling and stress detox. Better sleep: Exhaustion can make you fall asleep the minute you hit the bed, but, it is relaxation that gives you the deep sleep you want. When the mind and body are fatigued, they simply do not have the energy to stay up and hence, you’ll have no trouble falling asleep. But, the sleep quality drops because now the body has a lot of healing to do as you rest. Compare that to a state of no stress! Your mind and body are already rested, and now when you hit the sack, restoration and rejuvenation can happen. A head massage puts you to ease before you sleep and thus enhances your sleep and rest quality. On top of that, certain ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha can set you up for a really good night’s sleep. Muscle and joint pain relief: One benefit of massaging regularly is that you are allowing blood to circulate into cramped muscles and injured joints. This blood is replenishing on its own, but add to that some useful ayurvedic oils and you’re helping your body heal faster.  If you have muscle cramps or joint aches, massaging with an ayurvedic herbal oil that contains Saileya or peppermint-satva can be beneficial. These herbs not only provide immediate relief from the pain but also work on inflammation and help restore mobility in the affected areas. Helps balance doshas: Doshas refer to the three vital energies already present in our body, whose excess or deficiency can lead to imbalance and dysfunction. The 3 doshas are: Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha is associated with a certain personality and physical attributes. So, let’s say there’s a vatta dosha dominant body. Their attributes will be lean, tall, light-hearted, creative, and quick. However, on the downside, Vatta dosha people can sometimes suffer from bone pain and indigestion. To help keep these problems in check, one should go for Brahmi or sesame head massage oil. Ayurvedic scriptures mention different combinations of oils for each dosha. Skin and hair benefits: What if a head massage could do more than just a head massage? Ayurvedic oils can and do!  If your head massage oil contains herbs like Karcura and Ashwagandha, it will cool your head as well as soothe your scalp. These herbs have anti-microbial properties and help maintain the pH balance of the scalp. Herbs like Amla and Japa Pushpa further improve your hair health. So, if you are looking for a head massage oil, Ayurvedic herbal oils are the answer.  Good ayurvedic oils will also be free of harmful chemicals like parabens and sulphates.  100% natural herbal oils will work on the issue from the inside out, not just providing a quick relief but also a permanent solution. Remember, nature has all the remedies we need. The need, then, is of choosing the right oil! And with Navratna Cool Oil, your search stops now. 100% natural, no artificial chemicals, just pure relaxation and herbal health benefits. Try now!


Ayurvedic Oil: The Ultimate Scalp Care Solution

Ayurvedic Oil: The Ultimate Scalp Care Solution Naanis and Daadis across India have many things in common, one of which is tel maalish or you might know it as the good old champi. Grandma would sit you down for a good 10 minutes as her hands graze through your hair gently massaging the head with herbal oil they swear by. Every Indian kid knows this daily ritual and the iconic Indian hair quality is the outcome. Thanks to these regular champis, India is known worldwide for great hair – smooth, thick, and healthy in every way! However, the ayurvedic hair oils our grandmoms used were not just good for our hair but also our head. Right after that massage, your head would feel so much lighter. Wouldn’t it? Not much has changed even today. After a day of long and tiring work, you could just “head massage” your way out of that fatigue and stress. But, the secret lies in the selection of a good head massage oil to complement the massage. Here’s how to choose the right head massage oil for your champi time: 1. Oil that goes with hair: Before you apply anything on your head, you have to ensure that it is compatible with your hair and scalp. Ayurveda has identified many herbs that are not just okay but actually great for your hair. For instance, Japa Pushpa and Ashwagandha help maintain a healthy pH of your scalp. Amla fosters growth of new hair. Navratna Cool Oil combines all of these herbs and a few more to give you a head massage oil that’s also tender and nourishing for your scalp. 2. Cools the scalp: An oil that is good for your scalp will soothe it. If an oil feels weird on your scalp, chances are it’s not meant to be there. Often times, you may notice an irritating tingling sensation when you apply something that simply doesn’t go with your skin type. Our body has a way of letting us know when it is simply not okay with a treatment it is being subjected to. On the other hand, there are certain items that are so good for you that your body will immediately let you know. When you use herbal oils with Lata kasturi and Peppermint, you are providing your scalp a gentle cooling effect that leaves your head feeling cool and fresh from inside out. 3. Anti-fungal: Sweat, pollution, lack of nutrition, and use of hair products can damage our scalp. In fact, it can completely throw its natural pH levels out of balance. How do we counter that? By massaging your head regularly! Natural oils have a similar pH balance to our skin, and when we add to the mix, herbs like Karcura, we essentially add a shield of protection against fungal infections too. The right ayurvedic hair oil wouldn’t just replenish you with nutrients but also protect you from infections. 4. No harmful chemicals: Your head is the crown of your body and has immense importance in Ayurveda for housing the crown chakra, the highest of all 7 chakras. This is why, it becomes all the more important to choose our head massage oil carefully. Artificial chemicals, parabens, sulphates, and other carcinogenic ingredients which are commonly found in most products today should not go in the crown of your body. Ayurvedic head massage oils like the navratna cool oils are 100% natural with no added chemicals, thus, giving you a safe and soothing head massage with zero side-effects. 5. The right oil for your scalp: Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all. It is also important to make a note of your own scalp conditions. For instance, if you suffer from dandruff, using a massage oil with herbs like Brahmi and Amla can help fight dandruff and prevent it from coming back. Although most herbs do not have any side-effects for human skin, choosing the right one to deal with your gaps will maximize their benefit for you. So, the right head massage oil for you is an ayurvedic oil that is gentle on your hair and your head. This is why, Navratna cool oil has remained India’s favourite for 40+ now. The best cooling oil for your head, with the benefits of 9 powerful herbs that are also good for your hair. Start your self-care journey now!


Why Choose Ayurvedic Oil Over Chemical Based Hair Oil

Ultimate Guide to Oil Massage for Your Healthy Scalp Among the healthiest things you can do for your hair, a regular oiling regimen has to make it to the top-3. There’s a reason this ritual has been around for generations. It is an effective remedy for dandruff, hairfall, and itchy scalp. In fact, it is so important that most of our grandmas were very specific about the head massage oil they would use, and for a very good reason. You can not settle for just any oil, you need the best oil for head massage because the oil that you choose wouldn’t just impact your hair and your scalp, but also your headspace and overall wellbeing. But, this simple self-care has to be done right to reap its complete benefits.There’s much nuance in a seemingly-easy and quick head oil massage. Here’s a list of a few things you want to enhance your massage experience: 1. Get disciplined: As is with every good thing, all good things take time. Head massage is something that can give you instant results but it’s not a one-time wonder. You would have to get more disciplined and regular with it. The practice of self-care requires deliberate effort and planning, but don’t worry, it’s not nearly as daunting as it sounds. You only have to set aside 15-20 minutes a day to fully soak in the benefits of a head massage. It could be after work, before you hit the bed. There has to be a consistent committed schedule for this self-care routine; a head massage twice a week is the optimal balance. 2. The type of oil: The type of oil you choose will be critical to determining the efficiency of your massage-time. For starters, you want a head massage oil that is 100% natural, relies on herbs, and is paraben-free. Then, you want to understand you hair and scalp as well. What are some issues we are trying to solve? There’s a herb for everything. If you want a dandruff-free scalp, go for an oil that has Neem. For hair fall and damage, choose something with Tulsi and Bhringraj extracts. The best oil for head massage is the oil that repairs damage and doesn’t cause it. combines Tulsi, Bhringraj, Neem, and more healing herbs to not just protect your headspace but also soothe your scalp. 3. Set your own temperature: You might be used to heating your hair oil before the head massage, but, there is no one size fits all and some oils really should not be heated. Pretty much all mineral and vegetable oils aren’t suited for heat. That could be a fire hazard and excess heat may lead to the oil losing its nutrition too. Another issue with heating is that heat treatment is not conducive for scalp and haircare. The heat may open pores and cause damage to your hair roots. If the purpose of your head massage is to unwind and cool down, you actually need the opposite of heat. So, contrary to heating oils, you need the best cooling hair oil. This is why, gives you a heat-free solution. 4. Gentle! No tough love, please! Your hair strands are delicate and prone to breakage. The skin on your scalp is also not comfortable with intense friction caused by rigorous massaging often times. While we are at it, we apply too much pressure or try to rub the head massage oil into the scalp because it sounds like it would lead to deeper nourishment. This inadvertently causes more hairfall and even dandruff. The right way to go about this is with love and gentleness. 5. The oil period: Last but certainly not the least, the duration we leave the oil on is key. Experts say leaving your oil on for too long does more harm than good. It can leave your scalp sticky and moist, good enough for pollutants and dust to settle in. That’s how scalp infections start. However, leaving your oil for too small a window would also not yield any gains. So, what is the optimal duration? You want to massage your scalp for 10-20 minutes and leave the oil, to absorb, for a minimum of 3 hours. You should also not step outside after oiling to avoid exposure to the sun, dust, and pollution. The best oil for head massage is one that is nurturing and comfortable. It is a non-sticky, non-greasy light-weight formula. Sounds familiar? It does to us! Because we, at Navratna, have prepared a non-greasy, non-clogging, easy-breezy cooling oil. Not only will it help you keep your mental chill, but the fully Ayurvedic formula makes the oil a gentle and nurturing choice for your hair and scalp. So, don’t wait, just massage and feel great!


Ayurvedic Herbs that Give You Scalp and Hair Care

Ayurvedic Herbs that Give You Scalp and Hair Care Serum, cream, lotion, spa – haven’t you tried it all to look your absolute best? But, if you are not feeling your best inside, there is no concealing it. Temporary solutions do not fix, only distract. We must look deep within and see what is delaying that glow-up. A simple answer: Stress and constant fatigue! A by-product of the modern lifestyle and the opposite of health and beauty. While a lifestyle change may not be possible, self-care is. And it only takes 15 minutes and the right Ayurvedic cool hair oil. Abhyanga has the answer. This practice of self-massaging with herbal oils only takes 15 minutes. But, it is the kind of deep work that can fight stress from inside out. Ayurvedic treatment, unlike western treatments, is not myopic. It sees the mind and the body as one unit. So, the solutions it offers are holistic and work to fix the problem from its roots. Ayurveda makes use of specific herbs to give your body the best natural course of action. With the right ayurvedic hair oil, you will not just be choosing an oil that is good for your hair but also for your head. If only there was a hair oil for headache, for stress…say no more! All you need is a powerful Ayurvedic cool oil . Look for one that is rich in these stress-relieving herbs: Ashwagandha : There’s a reason Ashwagandha is number 1 on the list. Also known as the Indian Jensing, this herb is extremely potent when it comes to relieving symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, and even insomnia. Ashwagnadha has a calming effect on the mind and can show results in 1-2 applications. The herb is also credited with reducing stress hormone levels in the blood stream, which in turn leads to a more regulated blood pressure, heart rate, and nervous system. Brahmi : A close second competitor to Ashwagandha, Brahmi is particularly beneficial for those who have an excess of vaata in their body. Vaata dosha is responsible for thoughts, but, an excess of Vaata can lead to anxiety and confusion. Brahmi is an excellent herb to keep Vaata in check. If you are stressed about dropped productivity and memory, Brahmi would also help you with improved focus and recall. Apart from its very prominent benefits for your mental health, Brahmi is also known to improve blood circulation, so massaging Brahmi oil can instantly relieve you from any physical stress and fatigue too. Amla :We associate Amla with good hair and eye health. However, did you know the humble Indian gooseberry is a powerhouse of Vitamin C and antioxidants? These antioxidants limit attacks from free radicals produced in the body. It is these compounds that are responsible for oxidative stress and aging. Furthermore, Vitamin C also stimulates the production of neurotransmitters that are particularly beneficial for improving brain function. Bhringraj :Bhringraj, although known as the false daisy, is a true magic herb. In Ayurveda, Bhringraj is referred to as a rejuvenator or a rasayana, for its strong healing properties. Capable of even reversing aging and premature greying, this herb can heal wounds, inflammation, and pain with a quick pay-off.  Bhringraj when used for a head massage works well for your hair as well as for your head, beautifying you from the inside out. In a true  sense, an oil containing Bhringraj extracts is a hair oil for headaches. Rich in Magnesium, daily application of Bhringraj oil to your Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get the goodness of each of these herbs in one oil? We got you covered! Navratna stress relief oil combines the power of Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Amla, and Bhringraj to deliver relief from stress, headache, and what’s more – instant rejuvenation. The Navratna Cool Oil, true to its name, shows its cooling effects within 2 minutes of application. Since the last 3 decades, our iconic red bottle has become a household name around India. Think head massage oil, Think Navratna Cool Oil.