Ayurvedic Oil: The Ultimate Scalp Care Solution

Naanis and Daadis across India have many things in common, one of which is tel maalish or you might know it as the good old champi. Grandma would sit you down for a good 10 minutes as her hands graze through your hair gently massaging the head with herbal oil they swear by. Every Indian kid knows this daily ritual and the iconic Indian hair quality is the outcome. Thanks to these regular champis, India is known worldwide for great hair – smooth, thick, and healthy in every way!
However, the ayurvedic hair oils our grandmoms used were not just good for our hair but also our head.
Right after that massage, your head would feel so much lighter. Wouldn’t it? Not much has changed even today. After a day of long and tiring work, you could just “head massage” your way out of that fatigue and stress.
But, the secret lies in the selection of a good head massage oil to complement the massage.
Here’s how to choose the right head massage oil for your champi time:
1. Oil that goes with hair:
Before you apply anything on your head, you have to ensure that it is compatible with your hair and scalp. Ayurveda has identified many herbs that are not just okay but actually great for your hair. For instance, Japa Pushpa and Ashwagandha help maintain a healthy pH of your scalp. Amla fosters growth of new hair. Navratna Cool Oil combines all of these herbs and a few more to give you a head massage oil that’s also tender and nourishing for your scalp.
2. Cools the scalp:
An oil that is good for your scalp will soothe it. If an oil feels weird on your scalp, chances are it’s not meant to be there. Often times, you may notice an irritating tingling sensation when you apply something that simply doesn’t go with your skin type. Our body has a way of letting us know when it is simply not okay with a treatment it is being subjected to. On the other hand, there are certain items that are so good for you that your body will immediately let you know. When you use herbal oils with Lata kasturi and Peppermint, you are providing your scalp a gentle cooling effect that leaves your head feeling cool and fresh from inside out.
3. Anti-fungal:
Sweat, pollution, lack of nutrition, and use of hair products can damage our scalp. In fact, it can completely throw its natural pH levels out of balance. How do we counter that? By massaging your head regularly! Natural oils have a similar pH balance to our skin, and when we add to the mix, herbs like Karcura, we essentially add a shield of protection against fungal infections too. The right ayurvedic hair oil wouldn’t just replenish you with nutrients but also protect you from infections.
4. No harmful chemicals:
Your head is the crown of your body and has immense importance in Ayurveda for housing the crown chakra, the highest of all 7 chakras. This is why, it becomes all the more important to choose our head massage oil carefully. Artificial chemicals, parabens, sulphates, and other carcinogenic ingredients which are commonly found in most products today should not go in the crown of your body. Ayurvedic head massage oils like the navratna cool oils are 100% natural with no added chemicals, thus, giving you a safe and soothing head massage with zero side-effects.
5. The right oil for your scalp:
Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all. It is also important to make a note of your own scalp conditions. For instance, if you suffer from dandruff, using a massage oil with herbs like Brahmi and Amla can help fight dandruff and prevent it from coming back. Although most herbs do not have any side-effects for human skin, choosing the right one to deal with your gaps will maximize their benefit for you.
So, the right head massage oil for you is an ayurvedic oil that is gentle on your hair and your head. This is why, Navratna cool oil has remained India’s favourite for 40+ now. The best cooling oil for your head, with the benefits of 9 powerful herbs that are also good for your hair.
Start your self-care journey now!